Visit to a Children’s Home – Tolna County Child Protection Center – May 2022

Our visit to Szekszárd was in a great mood thanks to the head of the institution, who welcomed us very warmly and then we talked at length about our experience in child protection, in which, of course, he dominated due to his decades in child protection.

The Tolna County Child Protection Center consists of four separate and functional professional units, which are located in 9 settlements of the county and provide full care for about 140 children. According to them, the main and fundamental idea of the Child Protection Center is that “the child should be in the center”. They try to create the most tolerant, safe and familiar environment possible for every child who enters them. According to their creed, serving in the Child Protection Center is not a job but a profession. The child protection professionals who work here are all committed to providing the best possible care for all the children who enter them, in need of their help, they support them with love to go through normal physical, mental and spiritual development while they are being brought up with them.

Like many other institutions, they asked for support in developing their IT equipment, so the donation mainly included complete desktops, laptops, printers, network switches and operating systems, which will be of great benefit to children and educators alike.

We hope to be able to comply with their kind invitation again and visit them again at one of their sites.


The Foundation’s approach is that the basis for effective assistance is professional foundation. To facilitate this, within the framework of a national survey conducted in the years of 2020 and 2021, the Foundation mapped the educational participation of children living in children’s homes, their current education, their further study plans and their vision related to learning and work.



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