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About us

Our mission is to provide effective, long-term support throughout the lives of disadvantaged children and young adults living in state care in Hungary.

The Gattyán Foundation is dedicated to making a lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children in state care. We provide our support primarily through educational and sports programs, along with engaging activities, benefiting both the children in need and the adults and professionals who care for them.

Our Founder

György Gattyán

I was driven by two core values when establishing the Foundation: the first was to give back, and the second was to do so in a way that creates a better future by helping others

I come from a humble, working-class family. While many know me as one of the wealthiest people in the country, my path to success was filled with challenges. I learned the value of hard work at a young age—alongside my studies, I worked for my father’s construction business. Over time, I explored many different fields in pursuit of success, and in 2008, I founded Docler Holding, which has since become one of Hungary’s most valuable companies. Today, I employ over 1,500 people, with offices in five countries.

As a child, I experienced firsthand how my parents helped local communities, and they instilled these values in me. They also encouraged me to believe that anything is possible and that we can achieve our goals through hard work.

However, I also understand that many factors beyond our control can make it difficult for people to reach their full potential—such as where we are born, who our parents are, and the environment we grow up in.

With this in mind, I founded the Gattyán Foundation in 2019 and began laying the groundwork for my ambitious plans. Our mission is to provide long-term support to disadvantaged children living in state care, helping them navigate life’s hardships and working toward a more successful future.

At the Gattyán Foundation, we are dedicated to leveraging our resources daily to make a meaningful impact on the most vulnerable members of society, especially children. We believe that every life is equally valuable, which is why I have chosen to also contribute with my personal wealth to support those in need.

Our mission

Nearly 23,000 children live in state care in Hungary, with an additional 140,000 minors at risk of being removed from their families.

These children often enter the system due to prolonged abuse, severe emotional and physical neglect, sexual harassment, parental addiction, chronic illness, or the loss of a parent. In most cases, these challenges are closely linked to poverty within the family.

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Targeted support for disadvantaged children: education, sports, and engaging activities

The Gattyán Foundation is dedicated to providing meaningful support to children growing up in foster homes, as well as the caregivers and social workers who support them. We recognize that many of these professionals face challenges such as limited resources and inadequate training, making their work more difficult.

Our Foundation’s year-round focus is on education, sports, and engaging activities that enhance the lives of these children. By maintaining strong relationships with state-run foster care institutions nationwide, we can offer sustained, personalized support that addresses the unique needs of the children and the institutions that serve them.

Our Foundation’s three core pillars of support

The first and most critical pillar is Education. We are committed to enhancing children’s participation and success in education, recognizing that it is key to their future opportunities. Equally important, we support the professional development of those who work in childcare, equipping them with the tools they need to better serve these children. Through tailored educational programs, we aim to nurture each child’s potential and help it grow with an approach rooted in understanding and acceptance.

Our second pillar is the Mosoly (Smile) Program, which provides long-term support by offering a variety of engaging activities, summer camps, and community-building events. These experiences help children integrate into society, giving them access to the same recreational opportunities as their peers in more stable family environments.

The third pillar, the Teqball Sports Program, encourages both physical activity and a sense of community. Through regular training sessions, tournaments, and camps, we promote not only physical fitness but also mental well-being, helping children in foster care develop healthy, active lifestyles.

Our results

Our aim is to bring about greater change for children and the world

We create programmes that support and promote children’s quality of life and integrity.

  • Children and young people assisted 7300
  • Total funding provided 622.372.749 Ft
  • Children's homes and residential care facilities supported 350


Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the main decision-making body of the Foundation, the administrator of the Foundation’s assets, and its members are appointed by the Founder. The President and the members of the Board of Trustees are the leading officers of the Foundation as a public benefit organisation.

The Board of Trustees is chaired by the Founder.

The team

Rittling Adél

Project coordinator

Világi Szidónia

Head of Foundation, Curator

Imreh Balázs

Teqball Project Manager

They wrote about us

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