Visit to a Children’s Home – Kossuth Lajos Children’s Home Center and Primary School – May 2022

After the integration in 2006, the Children’s Home Center provides home care for children placed in temporary care or foster care without the involvement of foster parents, and aftercare support for young adults; the institution is maintained by the Directorate General of Social Affairs and Child Protection and its Pest County Branch. As a result of the integration, the institution was expanded with several sites, the profile of which also provides care for students with special/dual needs.

Recently, the institution has embarked on a fundamental personal, pedagogical-methodological and infrastructural renewal. Classrooms, a gym, most of the residential units and the sports field were renovated in the building of the Centre’s headquarters, the Children’s Home and Internal School at 16 Menyecske Street in Kelenföld. On the other hand, they need further urgent improvements, especially in the development of IT tools, particularly due to digital education, in which they are clearly lagging behind. They face serious challenges in terms of both equipment and network deployment.

The colleagues of the Foundation are well acquainted with the environment in which the educators work and stand on a daily basis, so we can base their supportive help on reality, this time we have delighted the children and their educators with several brand new desktops and laptops. We also kept their fun and comfort in mind, so a foosball table, beanbags, swing beds, mats, pillows and other decorative items were also handed over.


The Foundation’s approach is that the basis for effective assistance is professional foundation. To facilitate this, within the framework of a national survey conducted in the years of 2020 and 2021, the Foundation mapped the educational participation of children living in children’s homes, their current education, their further study plans and their vision related to learning and work.



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