Visit to a Children’s Home – Children’s Home of Miskolc – May 2022

This time we visited the eastern part of Hungary to deliver our donations in person to the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Child Protection Center in Miskolc; we donated 20 mini hi-fi sets to this institution. The head of the institution said their experience is that children are instinctively involved in all music-related activities that they seem to enjoy. Therefore they have chosen these products, from which all their professional units benefit equally, to channel the children’s energies with as many music programs as possible, which also develops the community.


The Foundation’s approach is that the basis for effective assistance is professional foundation. To facilitate this, within the framework of a national survey conducted in the years of 2020 and 2021, the Foundation mapped the educational participation of children living in children’s homes, their current education, their further study plans and their vision related to learning and work.



Gattyán Foundation (Hungarian name: Gattyán Alapítvány)
1101 Budapest Expo tér 5-7. 

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