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Teqball sporttevékenységet támogató programpályázat

The primary goal of the program is to provide children living in children’s homes with everyday sports opportunities, which contributes to the education of children and their educators for a healthy lifestyle, community building and talent development.

Deadline for submission of applications: October 4, 2019.

Brief summary of the tender invitation:

The goal of the Gattyán Foundation is to provide complex, age-specific sports opportunities for the children’s home (institution providing resident children with specialized child protection care), correctional institution or its maintainer, may it be maintained by the state, a church or a non-governmental organization.

–The Foundation will deliver 1 Teqball table to the applicant meeting the conditions of the Call and will install it at the location indicated in the application.

Within the framework of the cooperation, the applicant organizations undertake the followings:

–By implementing their project, they contribute to the improvement of the sports competencies of the recipients of child protection care, to learning, to the development of useful leisure time.

Winning applicants:

  • Bokréta Children’s home (Bokréta Gyermekotthon), Bicske
  • Cseppkő Children’s home Center (Cseppkő Gyermekotthoni Központ), Budapest (Site No. 2)
  • North Budapest Education District Center (Észak-Budapesti Tankerületi Központ), Budapest
  • Bolyai Children’s home Center (Bolyai Gyermekotthoni Központ), Budapest
  • Kossuth Lajos Children’s home Center and Grammar School (Kossuth Lajos Gyermekotthoni Központ és Általános Iskola), Budapest
  • Metropolitan Child Protection Center and Regional Child Protection Service (Fővárosi Gyermekvédelmi Központ és Területi Gyermekvédelmi Szakszolgálat), Budapest
  • Zipernowsky Károly Grammar School of District III of Budapest (Budapest III. Kerület Zipernowsky Károly Általános Iskola), Budapest
  • József Attila Children’s home Center (József Attila Gyermekotthoni Központ), Budapest
  • Metropolitan Sztehlo Gábor Children’s home and Homes for the Disabled (Fővárosi Sztehlo Gábor Gyermekotthon és Fogyatékosokat Befogadó Otthonok), Budapest

Results of the tender program:

For the winning applicant Institutions, the Foundation supplied and installed Teqball tables in an aggregate value exceeding HUF 4,000,000, which provide hundreds of children in need of home care with opportunities for daily exercise, community building and a healthy lifestyle education.

More applications