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Drug Prevention Workshop for Child Protection Workers – September 2022

At the Gattyán Foundation, we place a strong emphasis on providing comprehensive support to children in state care, with the aim of helping them lead fuller and more balanced lives. Unfortunately, substance abuse and addiction have become increasingly pressing issues for young people in children’s homes, posing significant challenges for the professionals who work with them. To help address these challenges more effectively, we sought to provide a valuable resource for child protection workers.

In collaboration with Köztes Átmenetek Nonprofit Ltd., the Gattyán Foundation organized two drug prevention workshops at the end of summer for employees of child protection institutions. Köztes Átmenetek is an interactive exhibition on drugs and addiction that presents the complex issue of substance use in an engaging way, specifically targeting teenagers. One of its core objectives is to reach as many young people and the professionals who work with them as possible, promoting awareness and prevention.

The workshops were led by Dániel Varga, the director of Köztes Átmenetek, who brings over 15 years of experience in drug prevention. The training sessions took place at the exhibition’s permanent location in the 9th district, where the Konkáv Community Space operates. Since 2018, Konkáv has offered a safe, supportive environment for disadvantaged local youth to study and spend their free time after school.

The workshops primarily targeted social workers who had prior knowledge or training in this field. A total of 27 participants from 10 different institutions, including directors, psychologists, and developmental educators, attended the sessions. The program for both days followed the same structure: a detailed introduction in the morning, followed by lunch, and professional discussions and case reviews in the afternoon. The participants were highly engaged, contributing valuable insights and observations throughout the sessions. The afternoon discussions were particularly lively, as staff from different institutions shared their experiences and strategies for managing the challenges they face in their daily work. A common theme that emerged was the dedication of these social workers to better supporting the young people in their care. Feedback from participants confirmed that the topic of drug prevention is both timely and essential, which reinforced the importance of our initiative. Going forward, the Gattyán Foundation plans to continue its collaboration with Köztes Átmenetek and its director to further support child protection workers on this crucial topic. We also aim to extend this initiative by offering young people in children’s homes the opportunity to learn about substance use prevention through expert guidance.