Visit to a Children’s Home – Bólyai Children’s Home – May 2022

These days we had another opportunity to visit some orphanages. This time we visited the Bolyai Children’s Home Center in Budapest, where we were happy to take the donations selected by the recipient institution. The children’s home operating at Breznó Lane is situated in one of the most beautiful environment of Budapest, at the foot of Sas Hill. The home was filled with a very friendly and family atmosphere mainly because we had the opportunity to meet some of the students who welcomed us kindly and smiling. The new phones donated will primarily help educators and carers working from home in their day-to-day work, while tablets will expand children’s learning and entertainment opportunities.


The Foundation’s approach is that the basis for effective assistance is professional foundation. To facilitate this, within the framework of a national survey conducted in the years of 2020 and 2021, the Foundation mapped the educational participation of children living in children’s homes, their current education, their further study plans and their vision related to learning and work.



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