Our key sponsors make a valuable contribution to the work of our Foundation. Support can also take the form of donated product, service, or funds. Social responsibility is a noble goal, so we are always happy when we meet another partner who is cooperating and willing to help along the way.
This time, we were able to help the Gyöngyvirág Children’s Home in Budapest work together to establish a Teqball court in their institution, which creates a great opportunity to play sports, build a community and educate on a healthy lifestyle.
We would like to thank Betonút Mester Kft. and Épület-Forma Kft. for their generous support and for the construction of the Teq court with their collaboration.

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The Foundation’s approach is that the basis for effective assistance is professional foundation. To facilitate this, within the framework of a national survey conducted in the years of 2020 and 2021, the Foundation mapped the educational participation of children living in children’s homes, their current education, their further study plans and their vision related to learning and work.



Gattyán Foundation (Hungarian name: Gattyán Alapítvány)
1101 Budapest Expo tér 5-7. 

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2021 © Gattyán Foundation (Hungarian name: Gattyán Alapítvány) – All rights reserved.
Gattyán Foundation is the exclusive proprietor of the photographs published on the website and facebook page of Gattyán Foundation. The unauthorized use of the above photographs without the written consent of the Foundation may entail civil and/or – provided that the underlying statutory criteria are met – criminal liability.